
The Institut für Diabetes-Technologie (IfDT) is a research institute, specialized on clinical research in the area of diabetes mellitus.

Our aim is to support and promote research and development of technologies in the area of diabetes. With our work we want to contribute to making life for people with diabetes easier. 


Institut für Diabetes-Technologie

Forschungs- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH

at the university Ulm (responsible in the sense of TMG)


Lise-Meitner-Str. 8/2

D-89081 Ulm


tel.: +49 (0) 731 / 50 990-0

fax: +49(0) 731 / 50 990-22

e-Mail: diabetes@ifdt-ulm.de

HR Ulm

HRB 1800

Tax number:

DE 210 64 98 66

Authorized representative:

Director: Dr. med. Guido Freckmann

The Representative for Medical Device Safety

The current regulation on the establishment, operation and application of medical devices (Medical Devices Operator Ordinance – MPBetreibV) requires in § 6, section 1, that healthcare facilities with more than 20 employees have to designate a representative for medical device safety. This person has to be competent and reliable and must have a medical, scientific, nursing, pharmaceutical or technical education. 

The representative for medical device safety takes on the following tasks for the operator as a central element: 


1. To be a contact person for authorities, manufactures and distributors in the context of notifications about risks associated with medical devices and in the implementation of safety and additional necessary correction measures in the field.  


2. To coordinate internal processes of the healthcare facility for compliance with reporting and cooperation obligations by users and operators.


3. To coordinate the implementation of correction measures and safety correction measures in the field in healthcare facilities.


The following functional email address is for the representative for medical device safety at our institute:  Medizinproduktesicherheit@ifdt-ulm.de






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